
GET auth/callerhost

Gets IP address of the host that calls API

GET auth/ip

Gets IP address of the host that calls API

POST auth

Autheticates the host

GET types

Gets the list of all avilable Pattern Types

GET makes/{year}

Gets Makes inside the Year

GET makes/{year}/{typefilter}

Gets Models inside the Make and Year for patterns of specified type(s)

GET models/{id}/{year}

Gets Models inside the Make and Year

GET models/{id}/{year}/{typefilter}

Gets Models inside the Make and Year for patterns of specified type(s)

GET trims/{id}/{year}

Gets Trims inside the Molel and Year

GET trims/{id}/{year}/{typefilter}

Gets Trims inside the Molel and Year for patterns of specified type(s)

GET years/{modelid}/{trimid}

Gets Years

GET years/{modelid}/{trimid}/{typefilter}

Gets Years

GET patterns/{modelid}/{trimid}/{year}

Gets Patterns

GET patterns/{modelid}/{trimid}/{year}/{typefilter}

Gets Patterns

GET patterndetails/{patternId}

No documentation available.

GET patterns/preview/{id}/{w}/{h}

Gets the preview image of the Pattern

GET patterns/instructions/{id}

No documentation available.